
Demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively in teams and exercise leadership skills on projects.

The best memories I’ll have of this program were working with teams, working on my capstone and texting in our team group chat when grades were posted was so much fun. Being able to stay up late working on projects was something that I will miss dearly both from the program and college in general. In my job today one of the main reasons I accepted in this position is because I knew it was a smaller company and I would be working in a smaller team. I have 2 other direct team members and that is usually it and I have enjoyed it tremendously so far just as I did work on projects in the program. Being able to work in teams, give input and collectively work on something is so important for most if not all companies these days. One of the projects that I work on frequently is feature comparisons and adjustments for all of our competitors in our specific communities. In LDEV 668 we did a feature comparison and price graph assignment which is linked below